Holistic Solutions for Anxiety: When to See a Psychiatrist for Anxiety

when to see a psychiatrist for anxiety

Millions of people around the world struggle with anxiety, and while medication can be helpful, there are concerns about the influence of the pharmaceutical industry on treatment options.

This raises an important question: are there effective, non-medical approaches to managing anxiety?

In the last few years, it has become clear that medication by itself can't cure anxiety or other serious mental illnesses.

This is why a lot of patients and doctors are looking for alternative treatments like holistic treatment.

Instead of just addressing the symptoms, holistic methods get to the root causes of anxiety and build mental strength.

Research shows that compared to the traditional approach, holistic treatment methods, in the long run, actually help people with anxiety.

This article discusses the overuse of medication in anxiety treatment, why holistic remedies are essential, and why psychological assistance may be better than pharmaceuticals.

We will discuss non-medication holistic options that your psychiatrist may recommend, pharmaceutical influence, and balanced anxiety management.

The purpose is to help readers make decisions regarding their mental health.

Pharmaceutical Companies Manipulate Research and Treatment Options

The pharmaceutical industry powerfully influences medical research and treatment.

Pharma companies spend billions of dollars (e.g., $244 Billion in 2022) on developing and selling drugs.

This results in questionable studies and improper medical advice.

According to a documentary titled "Medicating Normal," these companies often misconstrue data about clinical studies to make their products look safe and more effective than they are.

This can be done by removing data that doesn't support the hypothesis.

Pharmaceutical companies hire expert opinion leaders as consultants to endorse their studies and fund medical conferences in order to get more prescriptions written.

Consequences of Overprescribing Medication for Anxiety

The power of pharmaceutical companies has led to overprescribing of antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications. [These are often prescribed as first-line treatments when therapy and lifestyle changes may be safer and more effective options.]

Overprescribing of psychiatric drugs can be dangerous because it can:

  • Disrupt brain chemistry

  • Cause dependence on the medication

  • Be difficult to discontinue & cause withdrawal

  • Subject people to unnecessary harmful side effects

  • Cause emotional numbing

  • Lead to suicidal thoughts

Long-term use can also cause dependence and tolerance, which may lead to needing greater doses. Patients rarely receive proper risk warnings.

Overuse of drugs discourages mental health problem-solving.

It also decreases interest in therapy and natural solutions that last longer without side effects on physical health.

Therefore, more patient-centred, balanced methods, such as holistic methods, are needed.

Recognizing the Need for Holistic Approaches

Holistic approaches to anxiety treat the whole person, including their mind, body, and spirit. This is different from the traditional medical models.

To get to the bottom of anxiety, a holistic approach incorporates all the factors that can contribute to mental health, including your physical health, diet, nutrition, exercise, trauma history, vitamin deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, current environment, family situation, and childhood experiences.

Mindfulness methods, exercise, good nutrition, learning how to deal with stress, and taking care of yourself are all parts of holistic anxiety treatment.

The goal is to treat mental health problems in the long run by giving yourself everything you need to treat anxiety disorders instead of simply minimizing or suppressing your anxiety symptoms.

It has been researched that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and meditation can help with anxiety over time and work even better than medicine.

Approaching mental health holistically gives people the plans they need to support their own healing.

Over time, this builds strength and helps a person to move forward and be free. Healing is no longer a pill that you take; it becomes a way of life.

Signs That Anxiety May Need Professional Holistic Treatment

For some people, anxiety becomes so frequent, intense, and overwhelming that it interferes with daily functioning and quality of life.

Here are some signs that your anxiety may indicate a need for a mental health professional:

Physical symptoms

  • Rapid heart rate, heart palpitations, chest pain or tightness

  • Shortness of breath, feeling like you can't get enough air

  • Dizziness, lightheadedness, feeling faint

  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea

  • Sweating, chills, hot flashes

  • Tremors or muscle twitches

  • Fatigue, insomnia

  • Headaches

Avoidance behaviors

  • Avoiding places, events, objects, situations due to anxiety

  • Not wanting to leave or be away from home

  • Avoiding social situations and isolation

Panic attacks

  • Periods of sudden, intense fear or discomfort that reach a peak within minutes

  • Racing heart, difficulty breathing, chest pain

  • Dizziness, sweating, shaking

  • Nausea

  • Fear of dying, losing control or "going crazy”

  • Feeling detached from reality or oneself

If anxiety is causing significant life impairment and disruption, it's important to seek professional help.

A holistic mental health professional like Dr. Jennifer Giordano specializes in providing expert holistic mental healthcare and a common sense approach so that you can live a life of peace & ease.

You can Book An Appointment today for a one-on-one discussion with her and start working together on a plan tailored specifically for you.

Holistic Psychiatrist for Anxiety Treatment Plan

A holistic mental health provider can help if your anxiety symptoms become overwhelming and make it difficult to function in your day-to-day activities.

Certain signs that tell you that you need to make an appointment with a mental health professional to treat anxiety:

  • Anxiety makes it hard to do work, go to school, or be with other people.

  • You experience debilitating panic attacks.

  • Fear of leaving home (agoraphobia) disrupts your life.

  • The presence of depression or suicidal thoughts.

  • Use of drugs and alcohol as a way to deal with mental health.

  • Constant stress making it hard to think clearly.

If you can't handle the anxiety symptoms on your own, seeing a holistic psychiatrist can help you avoid or minimize severe side effects of using medicines.

These psychiatrists tailor plans according to the person's physical, social, environmental, and mental health.

4 Most Common Holistic Treatment Approaches

Holistic psychiatrists take a whole-body approach to treating anxiety and (other mental health conditions), focusing on lifestyle changes and mind-body practices rather than only medication.

Some holistic treatment methods that a holistic psychiatrist may prescribe include:

1. Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle Changes
  • Diet - Eating a balanced, nutrient-dense diet can help stabilize mood and energy levels. Eliminating inflammatory foods, caffeine, alcohol, and refined sugar may also help reduce anxiety symptoms.

  • Exercise - Regular physical activity increases feel-good neurotransmitters and endorphins. Aim for 30-60 minutes per day of light to moderate exercise like walking, swimming, or yoga.

  • Sleep - Getting 7-9 hours of quality sleep allows the body to repair itself and manage stress. Establish a calming bedtime routine and limit screen time before bed.

2. Mind-Body Practices

  • Meditation - Mindfulness meditation teaches awareness of thoughts and emotions without judgment. Regular practice may alter brain structure and function to reduce anxiety.

  • Yoga - Gentle yoga poses, controlled breathing, and meditation can activate the parasympathetic nervous system to calm the body and mind.

  • Tai Chi - These slow, focused movements harmonize breath, mind, and muscle to cultivate inner peace and balance.

3. Supplements and Herbal Remedies

  • Herbs like chamomile, valerian, and lavender have anti-anxiety properties. They can be taken as teas, extracts, essential oils, or supplements.

  • Supplements like magnesium, omega-3s, and L-theanine may help relieve anxiety symptoms with few side effects.

4. Acupuncture or Acupressure

Acupuncture stimulates certain points in the body to re-balance energy flow. Acupressure applies deep, firm pressure to the same points.

There is some clinical evidence that these techniques can alter brain chemistry to reduce anxiety.

The holistic psychiatrist can help determine which lifestyle changes, mind-body practices, and natural remedies are best suited to each individual.

The goal is to address the root causes and empower patients to manage anxiety long-term.

What to Expect at Your First Appointment

At your first visit, your holistic psychiatrist will talk about your health history, symptoms, and treatment goals.

Before giving you a treatment plan, the holistic mental health provider gets to know your mental health problems and works on your anxiety.

They will examine your mental health, physical health, family history, and social history.

Your habits, diet, exercise, sleep, and stress levels can fill in the rest of the picture.

Your holistic psychiatrist may want to check for dietary deficiencies, hormone imbalances, gut health problems, and other physiological factors that are linked to anxiety.

For example, not getting enough vitamin D, B6, or B12 could lead to certain symptoms that other mental health providers would label as "mental illness".

Anxiety and adrenal exhaustion can be caused by long-term anxiety.

Holistic psychiatrists discuss treatment options and help you set goals for your health.

They examine the effects of personal, environmental, and social factors that trigger anxiety.

They are not quick to label you and put you in a box.

The psychiatrist can discuss why you want to improve your mental health and what "optimal wellness" means to you.

This thorough, client-centered evaluation allows for making a tailored plan to each person's needs.

After reviewing your health history, your psychiatrist can help you with lifestyle changes, psychotherapy, and other holistic methods.

The first appointment sets the stage for a systematic plan for your mental health journey.


  • If you don't know when to see a holistic psychiatrist for anxiety disorder, consider seeking help if your anxiety significantly impacts your daily life and functioning. Also, see if symptoms last for more than 6 months. A holistic psychiatrist can be helpful if you have co-occurring mental health conditions like depression or OCD or if you've tried self-management techniques without success.

  • A holistic psychiatrist integrates traditional recovery approaches with complementary and alternative therapies. They focus on the root causes of anxiety and create a personalized treatment plan that addresses your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

  • This will depend on the holistic psychiatrist that you see. A true holistic psychiatrist will do their best to avoid or minimize the use of medication as much as possible. He/she will strive to use natural methods over medication. In some circumstances, if medication is deemed necessary, they will use it to the minimum dose and duration needed to help you be safe and stable.

  • You could start by talking to your primary care provider for a referral to mental health services. You can also search online directories of mental health professionals who specialize in "Holistic Psychiatry." Look for professionals who are licensed psychiatrists and have experience treating anxiety with holistic approaches.

Holistic psychiatrists, such as Dr. Jennifer Giordano, address the myriad of factors that can cause anxiety in a (thoughtful and) personalized way.

She uses a mix of complementary and alternative methods to help people deal with their anxieties and give them holistic plans so that they can take charge of their mental health.

A holistic psychiatrist can help you get the care and support you need if your anxiety is getting in the way of your daily life or working or if you haven't been able to find relief through self-management.

Start healing on all levels today and regain control of your mental health! It is never too late.


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